Tuesday 1st August.
Not a ball kicked in anger, but already the injury problems of
last season look as if they might be blighting the forthcoming campaign.
Having lost Ken Monkou to his dodgy hamstring this weekend, Jamie
Vincent is now suffering from a 'freak' accident. In this case,
freak means falling off a Workmate whilst doing a spot of DIY! Why
was he standing on his Workmate in this first place? Anyway, whatever
his reasons they have cost him a broken wrist, so perhaps in future
he should concentrate on plying his trade down the left touchline,
not balance on pieces of DIY equipment.
We have also lost Thomas Heary to sore shin splints. What the hell
are sore shin splints? I'm sure if I had them I wouldn't even know
what it was that I was suffering from.
Apparently Barry Rubery is back in the UK having been abroad following
some of his other business interests, and we all live in hope that
he's made a few quid in the process to lavish on the club he owns
and we love. I sometimes get the impression that the other members
of Town's board of directors can't even break wind without the nod
from Barry. I hope he knows where the key is for the petty cash