Sunday 17th December.
Following a telephone conversation with my sister today, it was
decided that we would exchange Christmas presents at Toddington
services next Saturday. Jane lives near Leatherhead, and rather
than entrust all our gifts to the Royal Mail we thought we would
meet at the lower end of the M1. Toddington services are south of
Luton about 20 miles from Watford, and where are Town playing next
Saturday? Yes, Watford. Well, it would be a shame to go all that
way and not pop into Vicarage Road for my first visit and stay for
90 minutes or so, wouldn’t it?
I’ve got a gut feeling that we might get something out of next
week’s game so it’s got to be worth a few gallons of unleaded. I
just hope I can get some other interest in the trip as it’s a long
boring journey on your own.